Best and Most Affordable HSCT for MS Treatment Package (30,000 US $) in India

HospitalComplete HSCT treatment is done during 30 days stay at World Class hospital in India. No outpatient accommodation stay ensures best medical attention and care and low risk of infection in the Triple Hepa Air Filtered Hospital rooms. Read our recent Patient Testimonials below to know about the excellent patient care and outcomes delivered to more than 1500 MS and other Autoimmune patients by HSCT India.

Kathryn in HospitalHSCT Package Cost offered by HSCT Hospital India includes all costs for hospital stay up to 30 days, Doctors Fee, Tests and Consultations, Medicines & Consumables, Neuro-Physiotherapy and also Food and Laundry for both the patient and the attendant, Airport pick up and Drop back. etc. No additional outside stay or hidden extra charges.

How to get Started?

If you are interested in HSCT treatment at our hospital in India and would like to know more about your eligibility, please provide your basic patient information to us. Kindly fill in and submit the form on the web page below. Please click on the link to go to the Application Form https://hsctindia.com/form/

We ask you to kindly be very precise, accurate and thorough filling in the Form, please !

Once we receive the information form as above from you, it will be reviewed by our HSCT Specialist Doctors, and our HSCT Case Manager will contact you by Email and guide you through the further process.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about HSCT for MS at HSCT Hospital India

  1. Do you perform Myeloablative or Non-Myeloablative HSCT?
  2. What is your acceptance criteria? Do you require failed DMDs ?
  3. Do you accept progressive Patients?
  4. HSCT Hospital India accepts patients having high EDSS score.
  5. Do you treat other Autoimmune Diseases besides MS ?
  6. Does the 30,000 US $ HSCT package offered by HSCT Hospital India include everything ?
  7. Is it in-patient or out-patient treatment?
  8. I am a bit scared of being too sick during HSCT ?
  9. Is it mandatory to have an attendant to accompany me to India for HSCT ? I don’t have anybody to accompany me ? Can I go on my own ?
  10. If an attendant comes with me to the hospital, what would be the work the attendant will have to do? Will he/she just have to be present with me in hospital ?
  11. Can I live my normal life, when I return home after the treatment ?
  12. Can I live alone returning back from India?
  13. What can I eat on the flight back home ?
  14. When is it safe to get pregnant after the treatment ?
  15. Will I still be fertile after the treatment ?
  16. When can I go back to work after returning home after HSCT in India ?
  17. When can I return to my normal activities after the treatment ?
  18. I have pets, is it safe to keep them in my house after I return home ?
  19. Do you recommend flying business class back home ?
  20. Is it safe to be around my children after the treatment ?
  21. Will I lose my hair due to HSCT treatment ?
  22. Can I go on vacation abroad with my family right after the treatment ?
  23. I love gardening, but have heard that it is not advisible to do after Chemotherapy. Is that correct, and when can I take it up again after returning back home ?
  24. Do I have to stop smoking completely before the transplant ?
  25. I like to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine during the Weekends with my family, is this allowed ?
  26. I need to have some dental surgery done when I get back home, when can I do this after the treatment ?
  27. How often do I have to have my blood counts checked after the treatment ?
  28. Do the hospital need up-dates from me regarding my progression after I return back home ?
  29. How many percent of the Immune System is wiped out by the treatment ?
  30. Do I have to bring any medical files and MRIs to India ? It is difficult for me as I live in a country having Social Healthcare System.
  31. Can I use my own clothes during the admission to hospital or do I wear hospital gowns ? And what about my friend who is coming with me as my caregiver / attendant ?
  32. I would like to know if the HSCT treatment in India is an experimental treatment or a trial.

1. Do you perform Myeloablative or Non-Myeloablative HSCT?

We perform Non-myeloablative HSCT using Cyclophosphamide and ATG as conditioning regimen which ablate 95-98 % of the Immune System and is 100 % Lympho-ablative.

2. What is your acceptance criteria? Do you require failed DMDs ?

No, we do not require failed DMDs or other treatments suppressing the Immune System. We accept patients suffering from all forms of MS, RRMS, SPMS, PPMS and PRMS.

3. Do you accept progressive Patients?

Yes, we do.

4. HSCT Hospital India accepts patients having high EDSS score.

At HSCT Hospital India we accept patients having high EDSS score. Patients after arrival at HSCT Hospital India undergo detailed medical evaluation. A multidisciplinary team of medical experts then review and decide suitability to go ahead with HSCT.

5. Do you treat other Autoimmune Diseases besides MS ?

Yes, HSCT Hospital India has just openend op for treating other Autoimmune Diseases with HSCT.

  • CIDP
  • SLE
  • Myasthenia Gravis

6. Does the 30,000 US $ HSCT package offered by HSCT Hospital India include everything ?

Yes, the Package includes all Pre-testing, MRI and HSCT Treatment for complete stay in hospital for up to 30 days, Doctors Fee, Tests and Consultations, Medicines & Consumables and also Food and Laundry for both the patient and the attendant, Airport pick up and Drop back. etc. No additional outside stay or hidden extra charges.

Note – Additional charges may apply in rare cases where the hospital stay exceeds 30 days.

7. Is it in-patient or out-patient treatment?

In-patient treatment. Patients and their attendants / caregivers are admitted to hospital in rooms with Triple Hepa Air Filtration for utmost safety.

8. I am a bit scared of being too sick during HSCT ?

You will be taken proper care of 24/7 as you are in a high attention zone at a Super Specialty Hospital. You will be given treatment to manage pain and if you experience nausea you will be given anti nausea treatment etc.

During the Chemotherapy you will also have Methylprednisolone 2 mg/kg body weight, and that will ease you as well.

You will be very well monitored and cared for by the HSCT Specialists, the hospital doctors and nursing staff, so you do not have to worry.

9. Is it mandatory to have an attendant to accompany me to India for HSCT ? I don’t have anybody to accompany me ? Can I go on my own ?

It is mandatory to have an attendant. The attendant must be fully capable of transferring patient on and off the taxi, to and from the toilet at Airports, etc. In some select cases where the patient is just not able to come with an attendant, we can arrange for hiring a full time private nurse to be an attendant at an extra cost of 1500 US Dollars for 30 days hospital stay.

10. If an attendant comes with me to the hospital, what would be the work the attendant will have to do? Will he/she just have to be present with me in hospital ?

The majority of work is done by the hospital staff. The attendant is there to help you psychologically and talk to you if you feel lonely, anxious or homesick.

11. Can I live my normal life, when I return home after the treatment ?

The patient can join back daily chores of life according to the Aftercare Manual patients recieve just before traveling to India for the Transplant.

12. Can I live alone returning back from India?

Yes, you can live alone provided you have medical assistance nearby.

13. What can I eat on the flight back home ?

We recommend you eat cooked foods and avoid raw vegetables, raw eggs, raw meat, raw fish, raw sea food and salads according to the Aftercare Manual.
You can bring canned items, fruit with thick skin and packed juices to eat on the flight back.

14. When is it safe to get pregnant after the treatment ?

After 1 year.

15. Will I still be fertile after the treatment ?

One third of patients become infertile after treatment with high dose Cyclophosphamide. We recommend young female patients to preserve fertility having eggs taken out and frozen.

16. When can I go back to work after returning home after HSCT in India ?

When your platelet count is above 100,000. It all depends on your stamina and strenght and the kind of work you have when it is adviseable you go back full time to work.

It is preferable to start up slowly half days or half weeks in the beginning.

17. When can I return to my normal activities after the treatment ?

After 2-4 months according to your total blood counts. It takes between 3-12 months to recover completely from the Transplant.

18. I have pets, is it safe to keep them in my house after I return home ?

Pets should be well immunized and avoid intimate contacts for 3 months. Avoid contact with feces for 6 months.

19. Do you recommend flying business class back home ?

No, it is not mandatory to fly business class. However you must use a mouth mask and hand sanitizer on the flight and at public places for the first month.

20. Is it safe to be around my children after the treatment ?

Avoid contact with children who receive oral polio vaccine or who have cough or colds.

21. Will I lose my hair due to HSCT treatment ?

You will lose about 1/3 of your hair and you will start regaining your hair slowly 3 months after HSCT.
It may be a good idea to cut your hair short prior to coming for HSCT as you will have your head shaved when it starts to fall out.

22. Can I go on vacation abroad with my family right after the treatment ?

Travel must be restricted for the first 3 months after transplant. Travel outside your own country should be avoided or to any other such place where the medical facilities are remote.

23. I love gardening, but have heard that it is not advisible to do after Chemotherapy. Is that correct, and when can I take it up again after returning back home ?

You will have to wait at least 3 months until your blood counts are up after the Transplant, then you can start working in your garden again.

24. Do I have to stop smoking completely before the transplant ?

Yes, smoking has to be stopped completely before the transplant in order to avoid complications.

25. I like to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine during the Weekends with my family, is this allowed ?

You are advised to refrain from drinking alcohol for the first 3 months after the Transplant, – and then only in moderation.

26. I need to have some dental surgery done when I get back home, when can I do this after the treatment ?

The surgery can be done after 6 months post transplant.

27. How often do I have to have my blood counts checked after the treatment ?

Twice a months the first 2 months, then once a month until your blood counts are back to normal. You will receive a Discharge Summary when you are discharged from the hospital. This is for you and your GP or Neurologist.

28. Do the hospital need up-dates from me regarding my progression after I return back home ?

Yes, updates are required in order to keep data and monitor outcomes for reporting to National and International databases.

29. How many percent of the Immune System is wiped out by the treatment ?

Cyclophosphamide and ATG rabbit eliminate 95-98% of your Immune System and is 100% Lympho-ablative.

30. Do I have to bring any medical files and MRIs to India ? It is difficult for me as I live in a country having Social Healthcare System.

No, you just have to fill in the Application Form and submit it to us.
All tests, consultations and evaluations with specialists are done at the hospital upon arrival in India.

31. Can I use my own clothes during the admission to hospital or do I wear hospital gowns ? And what about my friend who is coming with me as my caregiver / attendant ?

The patient wears hospital clothes (gowns) while admitted. The attendant wears hospital uniforms.

32. I would like to know if the HSCT treatment in India is an experimental treatment or a trial.

The treatment in India is not a trial.
The advantages of the treatment protocol :
1. Published data and not experimental.
2. Non myeloablative with reduced treatment related mortality
3. One time process and no need for further treatment or Chemotherapy infusions in home country

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