HSCT India – HSCT Hospital

Stop MS Progression – Most Affordable HSCT at World Class Hospital in India.

Stop MS Progression

HSCT Stops MS – Get Back your Quality of Life

HSCT Hospital India – a JCI – USA Accredited World Class Facility pioneered HSCT for MS treatment in India in 2016.

Large number of MS patients from Europe, America and Australia already treated successfully.

HSCT Hospital India Offers World’s Most Affordable HSCT for MS Treatment. High Quality Services in an unmatched all inclusive package.

Success Stories of MS Patients who recently got HSCT at HSCT Hospital in India

Watch this quick guided tour of HSCT in India and how we have helped patients across the world to recover from MS and now live a normal healthy life.

Real Patients – Real Stories

Amazing True Story of Jose from Netherlands who had HSCT last Christmas at HSCT Hospital in India


I’m Jose from Netherlands, I’m 59 years old, I am married to Tim, and I’m a mother of two daughters. I had Multiple Sclerosis (MSRR) EDSS 2.5.

Six months ago I underwent the HSCT treatment at HSCT Hospital India. This is my story:

The first MS shup was probably in 1987. Until 2008 my family doctor unfortunately was convinced that it was psychological. For years I had a new shup for every 10 months and I had to manage by myself without any medication. I often felt that I would become depressed and would faint from pain.

Mr David from USA shares his experience 11 months after HSCT at HSCT Hospital India.

Mr. David from USA

My MS journey started like most people. My daily symptoms included numbness in my legs and feet, speech issueschronic fatigue, balance and dexterity just to name a few.

I was constantly thinking of my future with MS and the prognosis did not look good. I wasn’t going to leave it up to the Gods to determine my fate, I still had some fighting to do. HSCT was a family decision as well as a deep personal one. I went through the treatment at HSCT Hospital India. After I returned home, I did what the hospital asked me to do to get healthy again. I am now eleven months post HSCT.

Paul from Ireland UK shares his incredible experience about HSCT at HSCT Hospital India

Paul from Ireland UK

I was diagnosed with SPMS and have been confined to a wheelchair for five years and my MS rapidly progressed over the last two year.

I researched HSCT treatments available worldwide and was accepted by HSCT Hospital to be taken up for HSCT after rigorous tests to ascertain my strength and suitability for the treatment. This was very reassuring for me and proved to me that HSCT Hospital were not just after money.

Watch this video in which Christa from USA shares her experience of traveling to HSCT Hospital India for HSCT treatment.

Watch this video in which Christa from USA shares her experience of traveling all the way to HSCT Hospital India for HSCT treatment. HSCT Stops MS.

She is delighted with the outcome of HSCT at HSCT Hospital India and also about the excellent care she received from the Indian doctors, Nurses and other support staff during his month long stay at HSCT Hospital India. We wish her a very happy and healthy life ahead

Why you should consider HSCT Hospital India, India for HSCT Treatment for MS ?


1) HSCT Non-myeloablative protocol at our hospital in India is a combo of Autologus  + Chemotherapy with complete patient stay in hospital, great care by our specialists and nurses. NeuroPhysiotherapy is part of the treatment so that the patients recover soon. After discharge from the hospital no further follow up Chemotherapy transfusions are required.

2) The center has performed a large number of HSCT Treatments for MS with good outcomes. Quick Appointments are confirmed, once patients are approved – LOW WAITING PERIOD.

3) BMT Unit rooms are very well served for patient and attendant’s comfort and equipped with HEPA Filter with Triple Level Air Filtration.

4) Most Affordable HSCT for MS Package -30,000 US $ that includes all treatment cost for hospital stay of 30 days in a Deluxe Private Room, Doctors Fee, Tests and Consultations, Medicines & Consumables and also Food and Laundry for both the patient and the attendant, Airport pick up and Drop back. etc. No additional outside stay or hidden extra charges.

Success Stories of HSCT Hospital India

Real Patients – Real Stories

Real Story of Athena B from Tunisia who came to HSCT Hospital, India for HSCT Treatment

Athena patient

I researched HSCT groups on Facebook and received encouragement from previous patients who had HSCT at HSCT Hospital India.

who had HSCT at HSCT Hospital, India. After I thoroghly checked out the website www.hsctindia.com, I applied in December 2017 and wa offered an appointment to arrive at HSCT Hospital on March 11, which I confirmed immediately. My decision was done and I was impatient to get the treatment as my case of SPMS.

Gudrun R from UK shares her valuable experience after HSCT for MS at HSCT Hospital India

Watch this emotional true experience recounted by Ms. Gudrun R from UK who was diagnosed with RRMS in 2007 and how she finally decided to come to HSCT Hospital India for HSCT.

She is delighted with the care she received at HSCT Hospital and has some valuable words about the importance of the attendant’s vital role to support the patients through the HSCT treatment.

Marjorie from Australia shares her amazing HSCT journey to HSCT Hospital, India


I was diagnosed with MS in 1992/3 after going through a great deal of stress and anxiety. I turned SPMS about 8 years ago in 2010 and found that I was starting to limp – not ferociously but subtly.I would get tired often and decided to give up working in the fast paced city and retire early. Wasn’t easy but I found it necessary as my symptoms became more noticeable as time went by.

My research looked at Mexico and Russia but I was put off applying to these hospitals as there was up to a year waiting list. I couldn’t wait that long as I seemed to be deteriorating fast and, since I managed to get a confirmation with the HSCT Hospital India.

Justin from USA shares his experience HSCT for MS at HSCT Hospital India

Watch this true experience shared by Mr Justin an MS patient from USA who decided to come to HSCT Hospital India for HSCT.

He is delighted with the outcome of HSCT at HSCT Hospital India and also about the excellent care he received from the Indian doctors, Nurses and other support staff during his month long stay at HSCT Hospital India. We wish him a very healthy life ahead.