Treatment Options for for MS patients- HSCT at World Class Hospital in India.

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Options in India?
There are any different treatment options available for multiple sclerosis in India, including disease-modifying therapies, corticosteroids, plasma exchange, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. The treatment of MS in India typically involves a multidisciplinary approach that includes a neurologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and social worker. The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation, prevent relapses, and manage symptoms such as fatigue, spasticity, and mobility issues.
One of the most commonly used medications for MS in India is interferon beta-1a, which is administered through injections. This medication has been shown to reduce the frequency of relapses and slow the progression of disability in people with MS Targeting inflammation with interferon-β, glatiramer acetate, natalizumab, fingolimod, and other immune-modulating agents reduces the frequency of relapses, but the impact on delaying the onset, preventing or slowing the tempo of SP-MS remains uncertain.
HSCT Stops MS – Autologous HSCT a ray of hope for MS Patients.
Autologous HSCT (aHSCT) refers to stem cells that are derived from a person’s own body, as opposed to allogeneic HSCT, in which the stem cells come from another individual.
By essentially wiping out the body’s immune system and reintroducing stem cells, HSCT aims to significantly decrease or completely stop the demyelination process associated with MS. This can halt disease progression, but also improve sometimes debilitating neurological symptoms.
How HSCT works for halting MS disease progression ?
This treatment is a multi-step procedure that is typically performed only once.
- Patients with MS are treated with medications that will help release stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
- The stem cells are then collected and frozen until the patient is ready to be infused.
- While the stem cells are in waiting, the patient must undergo medication treatments such as chemotherapy or immunosuppressants in an attempt to suppress the body’s immune system.
- Once the patient’s immune system has been primed, the stem cells can be introduced back into the body through an intravenous infusion.
- The individual is then monitored very closely as they recover.
HSCT (Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation) is indeed a very promising treatment for Multiple Sclerosis.
HSCT attempts to “reboot” the faulty immune system, which is responsible for damaging the brain and spinal cord in MS. At present the total cost of HSCT at major centres like Mexico and Russia cost more than 100,000 US Dollars including travel and stay. At world class HSCT Hospital India HSCT costs about 30,000 US Dollars all inclusive. Please click this link to know more about world’s most affordable HSCT treatment
Why you should choose HSCT Hospital India for HSCT ?
- HSCT Hospital India is one of the finest private hospitals in India and Accredited by JCIUSA. Most Affordable, 30,000 US $ HSCT package includes complete treatment cost for 30 days inhospital stay in a deluxe private room, Doctors Fee, Tests and Consultations, Medicines, Consumables, Neuro-Physiotherapy and also Food and Laundry for both the patient and the attendant, Airport Transfers etc. Large number of MS patients from Europe, America and Australia already treated successfully. Click here to know more
- Complete 30 day HSCT done in hospital. Private deluxe rooms are very well served for patient and attendant’s comfort and equipped with HEPA Filter with Triple Level Air Filtration. No outside hospital stay avoids risk of infection, 24 x 7 nursing care and best medical attention. Advanced HSCT for MS protocol used does not require any further chemo/ treatment after leaving the hospital. Click here to get complete details
- International and Globally Renowned Accreditations – HSCT Hospital India is accredited by the Joint Commission International, USA, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), and National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL) for processes and high-quality patient care.
Large number of MS patients from Europe, America and Australia have already been treated successfully at HSCT Hospital India. Click here to watch patient testimonial videos