Paul from Ireland UK shares his incredible experience about HSCT at HSCT Hospital in India

I was diagnosed with SPMS and have been confined to a wheelchair for five years and my MS rapidly progressed over the last two year. I researched HSCT treatments available worldwide and was accepted by HSCT Hospital India to be taken up for HSCT after rigorous tests to ascertain my strength and suitability for the treatment.
This was very reassuring for me and proved to me that HSCT Hospital India were not just after money.As you can imagine with MS and visited quite a few hospitals in my time.
I can confidently say I have never encountered such Empathy, Understanding and Professionalism anywhere as much as I did at HSCT Hospital in India.
The hygiene and cleanliness is excellent and I noticed the cleaning regime was regular and intensive.
I have been home in Ireland for nine months now and recently visited my neurologist to receive the results of my before and after MRI scans.
My neurologist confirmed I have no active lesions on my brain or Spinal column. My MS has essentially stopped at present however I will have annual MRI scans to chart any differences in my scans.
It is important to realise that HSCT Hospital India as good as they are can only take us so far, we as MS sufferers need an intensive regime of physiotherapy and a really positive outlook as the recovery period can be A bit of a rollercoaster.
The question is really quite simple, would I do it if at all again at HSCT Hospital India considering the benefits and my overall experience. My answer simply is, “yes,without a doubt.”I highly recommend HSCT Hospital India and its staff to anyone who it’s considering HSCT. The follow-up care from HSCT specialist and his staff is reassuring and comforting when you return home from India.
This is an aspect of their care model I am highly impressed with. Kindest regards to all in the BMT ward from Ireland.
Paul Campbell Dawson