How to raise funds for HSCT Treatment through Crowdfunding Platforms like ? A DIY Guide for MS Patients.


Where there is a will – There is a way. For those who are unable to pay for HSCT treatment from own resources, here is valuable information to raise money for HSCT treatment. Tried and tested inputs for successful fund raising

A good number of MS patients who urgently need HSCT treatment but are unable to afford it have used Crowdfunding platforms like for raising money online from benevolent donors to pay for medical expenses for treatments like HSCT which are not typically covered by insurance.

Selma-Blairs GoFundMe is the go-to online platform for raising funds for medical treatments due to its global recognition, ease of use, and focus on personal causes like healthcare.

The Lifeline for Medical Fundraising A Global Beacon of Hope.

MS Selma-Blairs

In the chaotic whirlwind of life, when medical emergencies strike, GoFundMe shines as a global platform offering unparalleled ease, trust, and reach. Its simplicity, paired with a laser focus on personal causes like healthcare, has made it the go-to choice for millions seeking help.

Why GoFundMe Rises Above for Medical Fundraising

1.Global Reach – A Lifeline Beyond Borders

GoFundMe’s reach is staggering, touching every corner of the globe. With the ability to connect with donors worldwide, the platform harnesses a vast, compassionate audience, maximizing visibility for life-saving contributions.

2.No Platform Fees – More for the Cause

Unlike other platforms that siphon away hard-earned donations, GoFundMe doesn’t charge a platform fee. Sure, there are payment processing costs, but the core idea? More funds flow directly to those in need.

3.A User-Friendly Lifesaver

The interface is intuitive, enabling even the most tech-wary users to effortlessly set up campaigns and share them across social media. Its emphasis on personal and medical fundraising ensures seamless support for urgent medical needs.

4.Dedicated to Medical Causes

From emergencies to long-term treatment, GoFundMe has become synonymous with medical fundraising. Thousands of campaigns for surgeries, treatments, and care have cultivated a reputation for credibility in this critical sphere.

5.Trust – A Foundation of Credibility

Years of transparency and robust verification processes have earned GoFundMe unwavering trust, ensuring donors feel secure in their contributions to even the largest of campaigns.

6.Guidance – Support Every Step of the Way

GoFundMe is more than a platform; it’s a community. With fundraising tips, success stories, and unwavering support, it ensures every campaign has the tools needed to thrive.

Crafting an Appeal That Moves Hearts and Opens Wallets:

An effective GoFundMe appeal doesn’t just inform – it stirs emotions, builds trust, and calls for action. Here’s how to weave a message that resonates deeply with potential donors:

1.Create a Clear, Compelling Title
Be direct, be emotional. For example, “Help [Name] Battle Cancer” or “Support [Name]’s Life-Saving Surgery.” A few carefully chosen words can spark curiosity and compassion in an instant.

2. Start with a Powerful Introduction
Grab attention right away. Introduce the person in need, their situation, and why immediate financial help is critical. Example: “I’m [Your Name], and I’m fundraising for my incredible friend [Name], recently diagnosed with [Illness]. Their medical bills are skyrocketing, and we need your support to ensure they get the treatment they deserve.”

3. Detail the Medical Story
Dive into specifics. What’s the diagnosis? The treatment plan? The financial burden? Transparency fosters trust, so lay out the journey. Example: “After being diagnosed with [Condition] in [Year], [Name] underwent [Surgery/Treatment], but now faces ongoing treatments with costs that exceed [Amount].”

4. Be Honest and Transparent About Financial Needs
Break down the costs. Transparency builds confidence and motivates donations. Example: “We are aiming to raise $50,000 for [specific treatments], hospital stays, and essential care. Every dollar will go directly toward [Name]’s recovery.”

5. Share with Vulnerability – Emotion Fuels Action
The raw emotion behind your story can move mountains. Answer these questions: What happened? How has it changed their life? How will these funds help? Example: “Your support gives [Name] not just hope, but a fighting chance at survival, a chance to return to the family who needs them.”

6. Include Photos and Videos – The Power of Visuals
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video? It’s priceless. Show the face behind the story. Let potential donors connect on a deeply personal level. Videos bring campaigns to life in a way that text alone cannot.

7. Gratitude – It Goes a Long Way
Whether it’s a few dollars or a few thousand, thank every donor. Example: “We can’t express how grateful we are for your kindness. Every single contribution, no matter the size, makes a huge difference.”

8. Provide Regular Updates – Keep the Connection Alive
People want to know how their contribution is making a difference. Updates keep donors engaged and more likely to continue supporting. Example: “Thanks to your generosity, [Name] has begun [Treatment], and we’re already seeing hopeful results.”

9. Share, Share, Share – Visibility is Key
Encourage people to share the campaign, even if they can’t donate. The more eyes on your cause, the better your chances. Example: “Even if you’re unable to donate, sharing this campaign would mean the world to us.”

10. Keep the Tone Hopeful – Hope Inspires Action
While the situation may feel overwhelming, maintaining a hopeful tone throughout your appeal can motivate donors to be part of a positive solution.

11. Proofread – Every Word Counts
A clear, error-free message instils confidence in your campaign. Ensure every word is polished and purposeful.

Sample GoFundMe Appeal Template:

Help [Name] Fight [Medical Condition]

My name is [Your Name], and I’m reaching out on behalf of my beloved [friend/family], [Name], who has been diagnosed with [Condition]. We’re heartbroken by the challenges ahead, but we know with the right treatment, [he/she] can fight this and regain health.

Unfortunately, the costs for [treatment/surgeries] are beyond what we can manage alone. We are hoping to raise $[Amount] to ensure [Name] gets the best chance for recovery.

[Name] has always been [brief background – e.g., “a kind-hearted teacher,” “a dedicated parent”], and now they need your help. Your generosity can bring us hope in this dark time.

We deeply appreciate any contribution, and even if you can’t donate, sharing this campaign would mean everything to us.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

By following these tips, your GoFundMe appeal will capture attention, stir emotions, and inspire action.

HSCT Hospital India wishes you all the best in raising the necessary funds to stop MS progression and ensure a healthier life ahead.

How HSCT works for Multiple Sclerosis MS?

This treatment is a multi-step procedure that is typically performed only once.

  1. Patients with MS are treated with medications that will help release stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
  2. The stem cells are then collected and frozen until the patient is ready to be infused.
  3. While the stem cells are in waiting, the patient must undergo medication treatments such as chemotherapy or immunosuppressants in an attempt to suppress the body’s immune system.
  4. Once the patient’s immune system has been primed, the stem cells can be introduced back into the body through an intravenous infusion.
  5. The individual is then monitored very closely as they recover.

HSCT (Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation) is indeed a very promising treatment for Multiple Sclerosis.

HSCT attempts to “reboot” the faulty immune system, which is responsible for damaging the brain and spinal cord in MS. At present the total cost of HSCT at major centres like Mexico and Russia cost more than 100,000 US Dollars including travel and stay. At world class HSCT Hospital India HSCT costs about 30,000 US Dollars all inclusive. Please click this link to know more about world’s most affordable HSCT treatment

Why you should choose HSCT Hospital India for HSCT ?

  • HSCT Hospital India is one of the finest private hospitals in India and Accredited by JCIUSA. Most Affordable, 30,000 US $ HSCT package includes complete treatment cost for 30 days inhospital stay in a deluxe private room, Doctors Fee, Tests and Consultations, Medicines, Consumables, Neuro-Physiotherapy and also Food and Laundry for both the patient and the attendant, Airport Transfers etc. Large number of MS patients from Europe, America and Australia already treated successfully. Click here to know more
  • Complete 30 day HSCT done in hospital. Private deluxe rooms are very well served for patient and attendant’s comfort and equipped with HEPA Filter with Triple Level Air Filtration. No outside hospital stay avoids risk of infection, 24 x 7 nursing care and best medical attention. Advanced HSCT for MS protocol used does not require any further chemo/ treatment after leaving the hospital. Click here to get complete details
  • International and Globally Renowned Accreditations – HSCT Hospital India is accredited by the Joint Commission International, USA, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), and National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL) for processes and high-quality patient care.

Large number of MS patients from Europe, America and Australia have already been treated successfully at HSCT Hospital India. Click here to watch patient testimonial videos
